Digimon Adventure Tri WALLPAPERS

Digimon Adventure Tri is one of the series of the Digimon franchise. The series is set six years later than the events in this series. Thus, the protagonist, Taichi Yagami, is now 17 years old and is studying in school. To mark the 15th anniversary of the franchise, reecuentran youth and adventure of evolution begins again.

Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 1
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 1
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 2
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 2
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 3
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 3
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 4
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 4
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 5
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 5
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 6
Digimon Adventure Tri wallpaper 6