Tony Stark, a playboy and genius who inherited the property contract Stark Industries from his father Howard Stark is in the war in Afghanistan with his military friend Lt. Col. James Rhodes to demonstrate the operation of its new missile Jericho. Stark is seriously injured in an ambush (ironically by one of their weapons) and is kidnapped and taken to a cave by the terrorist group Ten Rings. An electromagnet built by Dr. Yinsen, his fellow prisoner, keeps the shrapnel that wounded mogul, preventing it from reaching the heart of this and killed. Raza, the leader of the Ten Rings, Stark tells him released if it builds a new Jericho missile for your organization, but Tony and Yinsen say the man does not keep his word. Yinsen Stark makes you see the destructive legacy of his father, making him reconsider, but still seeing all Stark weapons to the kidnappers have.