With the same irreverent and fun spirit of LEGO film (2014), this spin-off focuses on the character of Batman and the universe of superhero DC Comics, from the perspective of the well-known toy company. On this occasion, the irreverent Batman, who also has some frustrated artist, will try to save the city of Gotham from a dangerous villain, the Joker. But you can not do it alone, and you will have to learn to work with your other allies.
Chris McKay (Robot Chicken, Titan Maximum) directs this animated film written by novelist Seth Grahame-Smith, author of Pride, Prejudice and Zombies. In the original version the film counts on a distribution of voices formed by Will Arnett (Ninja Turtles: Arrested Development) like Batman, Ralph Fiennes (Ave, César !, Specter 007) like its butler Alfred, Michael Cera (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Juno) in the role of Robin, Rosario Dawson (Seeking a Destiny, The Panic Conspiracy) as Batgirl, Zack Galifianakis (Birdman or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance, R3sacon) , In addition to the singer Mariah Carey as the mayor of Gotham. In the Spanish version Claudio Serrano will repeat as the voice of the Dark Knight.