The Walking Dead tells the story of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse, following a small group of survivors traveling across the United States in search of a new home, away from the hordes of zombies. After waking from a coma in an abandoned hospital, police officer Rick Grimes realizes that the world he knew no longer exists, chaos has taken over the city because inexplicably dead walkers dominate the streets.
On the outskirts of Atlanta, a small encampment struggles to survive while the undead lurk at every turn. The group, led by Shane Walsh, change leadership when hes already dead Rick. This is in Atlanta to a small group that has gone to town to get food and bring it to the camp where his wife is there Lori and son Carl. As his situation becomes more and more grim, the groups desperation to survive requires them to do things in his life before the zombie plague have not imagined ever do.